Swiftsure has Artbox Event Photography establishing a professional platform for Swiftsure 2016 photographs. Through their suite of carefully selected photographers, an ever higher quality of photography will be Swiftsure’s bounty.


Check out Artbox Event Photography at their booth in the Swiftsure Centre at Steamship Terminal.  Order your favourite photos direct.

Or follow their photographs online through Swiftsure. Here’s a link to 2016 Swiftsure photographs from Artbox Event and a link for 2015 Swiftsure photographs.

Throughout the Swiftsure events, you’ll see Artbox Events Photography covering every aspect of the race, from  Captain Jack Sparrow on the docks, through the Swiftsure Awards Presentation & Skipper’s Meeting and, on race day, Clover Point – both on the water and ashore. Then capturing the boats as they cross the finish line near Ogden Point and on to the Inspection Dock at the Inner Harbour where cold, tired and hungry racers will be served hot soup (thank you SYSCO Victoria) and exchange their wild tales.

“Swiftsure, Always A Challenge.” Proudly hosted by the Royal Victoria Yacht Club.
