A Beautiful Challenge
Racers heard last Friday evening at the Skipper’s Meeting that currents, as forecast by Dr Richard Dewey, would not favour them and the winds, with a large and stationary high foretold by Bruce Hedrick, may not be a positive. Hallmarks for a light airs competition seemed evident.
What really transpired? Wind. Consistent enough to keep moving if you didn’t seek out holes. Dolphins, a pod of about 30 male sealions, a grey whale, orcas. An Aurora Borealis on Saturday night. And fog which helped create the wind. Lots of sun, starlight reflected on the water’s surface. Ditch diving away from cruise ships and tow boats. A bit of busted gear, ropes tangled in props.
And for all this, a beautiful race.
So many stories, competitions big and small.
And smiles. Ladies and gentlemen of the yacht racing community, Swiftsure thanks you for creating the most wonderful race in this corner of the planet.
Swiftsure – Always A Challenge
Charlotte Gann