Swiftsure Team Racing Encouraged
For Swiftsure’s three long courses, team racing is encouraged. Full detail is outlined in paragraph 14 of the NOR. Yacht clubs – consider organizing your teams soon. Multihulls – race for your respective country’s honour!
Each yacht club is invited to nominate teams, consisting of monohull yachts racing under PHRF Handicap, three yachts per team, for each of the Swiftsure Lightship Classic, Cape Flattery Race, and Juan de Fuca Race. Clubs are encouraged to enter more than one team in each race and as many teams as possible. Where there are at least three teams from three different clubs in a race, a team race trophy will be given.
Multihull entrants are also invited to nominate teams for their country of origin, consisting of three yachts per team. Multihull yachts do not have to be from the same club to participate in the team representing their country.
- Swiftsure Lightship Classic – Endeavour Trophy
- Cape Flattery Race – Cape Flattery Team Trophy
- Juan de Fuca Race –Ned Ashe Juan de Fuca Team Trophy
- Multihulls (USA versus Canada) – Canadian Coast Guard Trophy
Team Scoring: The overall corrected finishing positions for team yachts will be used to establish team placing, except Multihull teams will be scored using the low point system.
Team entries must reach the Swiftsure Office at the Royal Victoria Yacht Club by Wednesday May 21, 2014 or be given to the Race Director at Swiftsure Centre at Ship Point in the Victoria Inner Harbour by 1800 on Friday, May 23, 2014.
Vern Burkhardt
Swiftsure International Yacht Race